What services can The Set-up offer you?

Furnishings, fittings, colours, and textures are what make a house, a home.  And it is with these elements that you can individualise your space, and really make it yours. Whether you have invested in a unit at OceanDune to live in, to use as a holiday home or to rent out, The Set-up is there to help you take your unit to the next level.

The Set-up is a trendy, turnkey furnishing and appliance solution run by a group of property and design experts. The services offered by The Set-up are there to help investors to maximise on the potential of their investment property, whether for personal use or otherwise. Make your investment a hassle-free one with the packages to suit both long-term and short-term rentals. Every element has been considered and accounted for, from the tiniest detail to the largest pieces of furniture.

There are 3 packages offered by The Set-up which include:


  • Tasteful décor
  • Modern furniture
  • Appliances
  • TV installation
  • Cutlery and crockery
  • Carpeting and rugs
  • Linen
  • Blinds
  • Outdoor furniture


The Set-up also has a number of add-on services which can be included in your selected package. These services include a short-term rental manual to give you valuable and practical information about letting your unit out, a key installation box, which is vital if you are going to rent your unit out short-term and can’t be there to give or receive keys from tenants, and the administration of your DSTV and Wi-Fi (2 much-needed amenities for any unit!).

Did you know that Airbnb hosts who have professional images of their units on the Airbnb website generally get more enquiries?  If you’re planning on letting your unit out, The Set-up offers professional photography so that you can showcase your offering to get the most out of your rental. OceanDune is located on the coast which means you’ll spend a lot of time outside – why not make your outside space as comfortable as possible and let The Set-up sort out your outdoor cookware and décor? If there are any other décor items you need- perhaps a particular lampshade or a bigger wall mirror, The Set-up can do that too, all you need to do is let them know.

Decorating and furnishing your unit needn’t be daunting at all – The Set-up has got you covered. All you need to do is get in touch with them, select your preferred package and any other additional services and they’ll take care of the rest. Once your unit is looking super stylish and ready to live in, they’ll give you your Handover Box which includes all the necessary warranties and guaranties, as well as furniture and appliance care instructions and supplier contact details.


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