Lifestyle should be on your list of property wants

While people may have a list of things they are looking for in a home, sometimes other intangible elements can be overlooked. Beyond the walls of a home, buyers should seek out those elements which ultimately add unquantifiable value to their everyday lives. Often it is the intangible things that might capture a buyer’s attention such as the afternoon light, the atmosphere as you enter a home and also the kind of lifestyle that can be lived there.

A lifestyle is an intangible thing made real by a collection of elements, both physical and experiential. A large part of the appeal of a precinct like the Sibaya Coastal Precinct, which is home to OceanDune Sibaya, is the lifestyle that can be lived within its boundaries. The Sibaya Coastal Precinct’s defining natural assets, like its coastal position and natural forest belt, are the foundations upon which all other man-made elements can flourish. The Sibaya Coastal Precinct lifestyle is not serendipitous; bringing the world-class precinct facilities and awesome experiences to life is a result of meticulous planning and ongoing, proactive and professional work of the Sibaya Precinct Master Management Association. Without a proper management association, amazing natural elements would be inaccessible and unsafe, while precinct amenities may not get off the ground at all.

Gray Braatvedt, Precinct Manager of the Sibaya Precinct Master Management Association, explains the Management Association’s role, “We manage the public open space within the Sibaya Coastal Precinct, and certain portions beyond its borders, which involves elements like safety and security, and the cleaning and the greening of areas so that they are usable, accessible and create a positive experience for all who use it.”

Charles Thompson, Director of Devmco Group and developer of OceanDune shares his thoughts on the value of the precinct management association, “Sibaya has amazing geographical positioning, access to an active protection of amazing natural assets like the 350-hectare coastal forest. However, without laying solid foundations, providing infrastructure and an entity dedicated to the management of this precinct, this 1000-hectare gem would be unusable and inaccessible. Proper, ongoing, and proactive precinct management is vital for success, therefore, creating a managed precinct is the key to unlocking the value of this area and we cannot do this without a master management association,” explains Thompson.

Living at OceanDune means there is a world of things to experience right on your doorstep. Your Sibaya Coastal Precinct lifestyle, with the modern and family-focused lifestyle at OceanDune Sibaya, means access to unsurpassed natural assets which creates that intangible aspect that makes the this lifestyle unmatchable.

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