Posts Tagged ‘ Exercise ’

Exercise on your own time

Over the last 18 months, many individuals have chopped and changed their exercise regimes. While coming out of the hard lockdown, many took to the outdoors to run or walk. Schedules have changed, where people are now working-from-home, which means that those who enjoyed exercising closer to work, have had to look at alternative solutions. Living within OceanDune, exercising is made hassle-free, where individuals can enjoy a quick run, swim or yoga session just a few steps away from their front door.

Swimming is one of the few forms of exercise which is suitable for all ages. Beyond being a way to keep active, swimming, and time in water has other benefits as well – it can help relieve pain, aid in relaxation, and also help improve cardiovascular health too. Let’s take a look at some of the other reasons why swimming is such a great form of exercise:

Good for joints

If you have any joint issues, or perhaps are recovering from joint surgery then swimming is ideal. Exercising in a pool is great as it is low impact and takes pressure off your joints. You won’t be at risk of putting unnecessary pressure on your joints, but the resistance of the water will enable you to work on joint mobility and to build up strength in the surrounding muscles.

Keeping your cool

Keeping active during warmer months like Summer can be quite uncomfortable, and you need to break more frequently to cool off. It’s a fact that we lose body heat 10% faster in water, so by keeping active in the pool, you won’t overheat.

Forget the equipment

You won’t need much to get the most out of your session in the pool. Moving through water is already more challenging than moving on land as water has natural resistance. If you want to up the ante, you can add ankle, wrist, or waist weights to do so.

Relief from back pain

A lot of people find high-impact exercise puts a lot of pressure on their spine, and many people with back issues will avoid exercise all together. The buoyancy of water helps to take pressure off the body and the spine while still offering the resistance needed to get a good workout.

You can keep it simple

Some people find swimming laps in a pool to be rather repetitive and boring while others enjoy the time to de-compress. The traditional forms of swimming training are great for improving all-round muscle tone, cardiovascular health, and increased blood circulation. You can opt for endurance training by swimming at one pace for an extended period of time or go for something with more intensity like sprints or sets of sprints. You don’t need an Olympic size pool to train for Iron Man or the Midmar mile either- all you need is a solid and consistent training plan.


Maintaining or improving your health and wellness by exercising daily needn’t be costly or complicated, and OceanDune has 2 pools to help you stay fit without having to be a member of a gym.

Explore KwaZulu-Natal’s best nature trails

Sunshine filled days, rich culture, rolling green landscapes and golden beaches is what KwaZulu-Natal is best known for. If you’re seeking adventure and time outdoors, then you’re in the right province. While KwaZulu-Natal’s beaches provide unsurpassed coastal experiences, you will also find a myriad of nature trails and fun outdoor activities. With the lush Sibaya Coastal Forest situated right on OceanDune’s doorstep, we thought to share a few more of KwaZulu-Natal’s beautiful nature trails. Now’s the time to throw on your hiking shoes and grab your backpack as we explore new routes for you to try.

Giba Gorge

Situated alongside the N3 freeway just outside Pinetown, you will find Giba Gorge MTB Park. Hosting an array of activities that are fantastic for families and adventure enthusiasts alike, this park has it all. Picnic areas, restaurant and BMX tracks are at the centre of this activity hub, however Giba Gorge’s running and hiking trails are two of the main highlights that extend into 300 hectares of privately owned land. Whether you embrace nature trails for the fun of it or you’re a serious hiker, Giba Gorge provides a route for all.

Umhlanga Lagoon Nature Reserve

The Umhlanga Lagoon Nature Reserve provides two picturesque trails alongside the Indian Ocean shore. The reserve’s trails start at the car park along the northern end of Lagoon Drive. You can start your walk through the accessible parts of the historic Hawaan forest, wander through the marked route and finish off at one of the beach openings. The reserve hosts safe walkways and vintage reinforced pedestrian bridges that allow you to pass through the wetlands and take in the fresh breeze.

Paradise Valley Nature Reserve

Enjoy 100 hectares of grassland through a thicket of coastal shrubs and trees within Pinetown. Paradise Valley Nature Reserve boasts two nature trails, the most famous leading to its waterfall, a mere 20 minutes away from the entrance. Start at the reserve’s popular wooden bridge and walk along the clearly marked pathways. You will find a few picnic spots so don’t forget to pack a few treats in your backpack to enjoy as you take in the beautiful surroundings.

There is something for everyone when it comes to the great outdoors. You don’t have to travel far to explore these wonders. Living at OceanDune gives you access to the Sibaya Coastal Precinct’s natural surroundings and network of safe and secure running and cycling trails.

Quick and simple exercises you can do at home

Staying at home certainly has it perks- more time to spend with the family, the chance to do some much-needed spring cleaning and also the opportunity to save some money by working out at home instead of paying a gym membership. Home workouts can be quick and easy and can be done with little or no equipment. You may also find that various pieces of furniture can double up as exercise apparatus if needed. Here are some of our favourite quick at-home exercises.

This at-home workout aims to target muscle groups like the quads, abdominals, biceps, and triceps.

You will need:

Keep a bottle of water nearby so you can hydrate as you exercise.



Aim to do three to four, 30-second bursts of skipping with a skipping rope or jog on the spot. You can do this for a solid 1 ½ minutes or break it up into three 30-second rounds with a 10-second rest in between each. The aim of the warm-up is to increase your heart rate and get your muscles warmed up.

Wait 30 seconds and then start the next exercise.


Biceps– 5 minutes

Aim for 40 seconds exercise and 20 seconds rest. Try to do a maximum of five rounds.

Hold a can in each hand with the inside of the arms facing outwards – in other words, if your hands were empty, your palms would be facing forwards. Now curl both forearms up towards your biceps until your hands are in line with your shoulders, and then slowly move your arms down back to the starting position

Once you have completed all the rounds, wait 30 seconds, and then start the next exercise.

Triceps – 4 minutes

Aim for 40 seconds exercise and 20 seconds rest. Try to do a maximum of four rounds

Move your dining room chair in a position so that you have about 1 ½ metres in front of it. Sit down on the chair and place your arms by your sides with palms flat on the seat of the chair. Now slowly and carefully, slide your bottom forward until it comes off the chair and as you do, keep your palms on the chair to steady you. You will need to bend your elbows and slide your hands forward so that your hands come to grip the front edge of the chair seat. Once you are in this position, slide your legs in or out, depending on what feels comfortable and sturdy for you. Using your arms, lift your body up and down so that you feel the tension in your triceps

Quads – 6 minutes

Aim for five sets of 10 squats with a 10-second rest in-between each set.

You do not need any furniture or equipment for this exercise. Make sure you are standing on a non-slip surface or a yoga mat. Stand tall with your legs shoulder width apart. Put your arms out straight in front of you so they are parallel with the ground and keep your head straight and looking forward. Depending on your fitness and flexibility, slowly push your bottom backwards and bend your knees as if you are getting ready to sit down. Now, slowly come back to standing position.

Repeat the routine all over again another nine times. Once you have done 10 squats, you will have completed 1 set. Try not to lean forward too much or arch your back.

If you are not steady and do not feel safe doing these air squats, then practice the same movement but with a sturdy chair or bed behind you to sit down on as you lower your bottom and bend your knees.



Now that you have completed your workout, take a moment to sit down and breathe slowly. Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply for 5 or 6 breaths. You may stretch slowly if you like or go for a gentle slow walk around OceanDune. The way you choose to warm-down is totally up to you.

Exercising at home doesn’t have to take long, be complicated or involve expensive equipment. Challenge yourself to do this workout three to four times a week and over time you’ll see and feel the benefits.


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