Posts Tagged ‘ secure ’

Property can be your ticket to wealth

You’re well on your way to making some great income out of your investment property. You may already know all the tips and tricks but there’s always room to learn more.

Business Development doesn’t end
The romance isn’t over, as they say, when your guests leave their keys in the box and say goodbye. You’ve got to keep yourself to of mind. How exactly do you do this without becoming a spamming annoyance? Well, you’ve got your guests’ contact info so why not start with a personalised birthday message? Or perhaps let them know, every now and then, when you’ve got special rates or offers? If you really have the time and energy a short and well-curated newsletter every month or second month may work well too. Try to find some neat tricks to keep yourself top of mind but just be sure not to become super spammer! Recurring business is just as valuable as new business, and probably far easier to retain.

Reviews equal Rates
Ratings and reviews are part of what turns you into a super host. And if you’re a super host you’ll have a better chance of standing above the crowd. On your journey to becoming the host (ess) with the most (est) are your guest reviews. Yes, it’s hard to get people to spend time writing a review especially there’s nothing in it for them but if you make their stay spectacular then they’ll feel compelled to thank you a thousand ways! Good reviews are gold so gather up as much as you can. Simple things like cleanliness is key, along with things being in good working order. Don’t take your guests for fools rather treat them like royalty. Make sure what you’ve said in your write up and what you’ve shown in your pics match up to reality- people are wary of being sold the sizzle without the steak! Make sure appliances work, paste up instructions for appliances or home gadgets if needed; make guests feel like they are secure by pointing out what needs to be done in terms of physical security; how to get to much-needed amenities and other attractions. Add essentials like fire extinguishers for mishaps, torches in case the lights go out and also extra’s like multi-use plugs and international adapters. Try to be there when your guests are leaving or checking out and do a quick check over of their stay- were they happy? Was it what they expected? Thank them for choosing you and for their feedback (even if negative) and ask them to leave a review. The better your reviews, the closer you’ll be to becoming super host and then asking for the rates that you want.

Think of your listing as you would any other product- at the end of the day you want to be top of mind and most desirable. You want to offer something that your competitors don’t, whether that be the finer touch of a hands-on host, really cool and curated amenities or perfect positioning and a great location.


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